We LOLed after reading about one of the surprises Miley Cyrus gave her boyfriend, Cosmo's 2012 Fun Fearless Male honoree and "The Hunger Games" star Liam Hemsworth on his birthday. At a party in a packed club, Miley rolled out a cake…shaped like a penis.
Of course, it was probably an inside joke, and Liam didn't seem fazed at all—they definitely seem like a cool couple—but that definitely could have blown up in her face. Um, okay, maybe that came out wrong, but you get the gist. Luckily, it didn't, but Miley's cake got us thinking about things you probably shouldn't give to your guy—unless, of course, he explicitly asks for them (and even then, you might want to use your judgment). Keep these on the backburner as stuff to avoid when you're cooking up ideas for Valentine's Day:
* The Twilight Ultimate Collector's Set
* A pedicure at your local spa
* A tattoo of his name on your body
* A man-bag
* Rogaine
* A gym membership
* A Snuggie
* Animal-print anything
* A 10-pound solid dark chocolate heart
* A gift certificate for a pejazzle
Photo: Jon Kopaloff
source : cosmopolitan.com